Monday 19 March 2012

How I work out my writing goals

Sorry for the delay in this post but I have been finishing, formatting, publishing and promoting Racing Angel, which is now out on Amazon and Smashwords. Here I am talking about my writing goals.
First off, I set myself daily goals. I have a little stand up day pad (as below):
On a Sunday I write a goal for every day. Today's goals are 'blog - writing goals', and work on 'Trouble' (that is 'A trouble shared' the next Geraldine story). I am currently doing the first goal and will do the second this afternoon.
The quote at the top is 'The tone of your voice colors every word you speak.' It is American.
Now for weekly and monthly goals. I got this tip off the WG2E blog. I have a little pink notebook, and have the weekly goals on one side and montly on the other. As in the photo on the left.
On the left hand side is the weekly goals. As you can see, I have split it into two columns. On the left is 'To do' and on the right is 'Done'. I then split it in four weeks. When I have done a goal I will tick it. The large tick means that I have done all the goals for March. On the right hand page is my monthly goals, and I have done all of them. They all related to getting 'The Racing Angel' epublished and promote it. I have yet to do pages for April, but I will later today.
So, do you have daily, weekly and monthly goals? If so, how do you make sure that you do them?
Let me know. Next post will be all about Talli Roland's Social Media talk to the RNA chapter meeting last Saturday.

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